Henry Riley

Trekking in monsoon is a different kind of experience altogether. It’s witnessing nature in its best form. The trees are greener and the flowers make the trees and plants look even more elegant than before. Though trekking in the monsoon is not considered very easy, it is no excuse for a devoted and adventurous hiker. The monsoon is a wonderful time to enjoy the sight of many mountains that might not be so beautiful in other seasons and here’s a list of five best treks one can explore in the rainy season.


The name says more than enough. Flowers and plants are in their best shape in the monsoon and hence Valley of flowers trek would be something you wouldn’t want to miss in the rainy season. At an altitude of 15,200 feet, it takes nearly 6-7 days to finish the trek. It is situated in an Indian national park in north Chamoli Garhwal of Uttarakhand and is known for the beautiful alpine flowers and a lot of other endangered species of flowers. This place is also home to a variety of fauna like the Asiatic black bear, red fox, snow leopard, etc. This trek is also way and beginner-friendly. Monsoon is the best season to trek here because the flowers are in full bloom after the rainfall. There are government guest houses for those who would like to stay.


The best time to The trek here is in the rainy season because the temperatures are cold and the whole hill is abundant in greenery. It’s a short trek of two days at max. The other attractions on this The trek is Konkan nada which is a huge 4670-foot high concave cliff in the The shape of a cobra’s hood. You can enjoy the beauty of scenic views around the main hill and this is also an escape for people living in Mumbai and who are tired of their busy lifestyle. What else could be better than fresh air and nature at its best?  Also visit Harishchandreshwar temple, Kedareshwar Temple, and other caves around. 


It’s not just likely Kashmir has achieved the status of being known as Heaven on  Earth. This trek will just make you agree to the statement. This trek has everything, from breathtaking mountain views to the beautiful colorful lakes and valleys, this is all you would need to have a once-in-a-lifetime experience. It takes 8-10 days to finish the trekand the difficulty level is moderate. Rains just bring out the beauty of thevalleys because of the bloomedcolorful flowers and green meadows. The twin lakes Vishnusar and Kishansar, the huge Gangabal along with Nandkol are a sight to witness. Different valleys are of different colors in the monsoon and as the months change, so does the color of flowers and hence the entire valley.

With all the lakes, greenery, and colorful flowers, this place is a sight to behold and this pace should be a part of your bucket list. The best time to be here is from July to September.


Hampta pass is a trek located in the The Himalayas at an altitude of 4270m from sea level. The trek is open and safe for four months, i.e, June to September. The post-monsoon The season is the best time to visit Hampta Pass, as there is moregreenery. Hampta pass is a gorgeous place to trek where the scenery is different in every direction. The whole landscape leaves you breathless and distracts you from the exhaustion caused by the trek. It takes around five days to finish the trek and the difficulty level s moderate. For a mountain lover, Hampta pass is that destination which they would dream of visiting again and again just to view the scenic mountains and greens.


Allow yourselves to indulge in the sheer beauty of the Dzongri trek covered with dense forests in the monsoon. The quiet and comfortable trek takes you to the next level at the view of Mt. Pandim, Kanchenjunga, and of course the The Himalayas. The Dzongri trek is located at 13,780ft in West Sikkim. Dzongri is also well-known for its difficulty and the long period of trekking. It is one of the most beautiful and difficult treks in not just Sikkim but in India. The trek usually lasts from five to nine days, which includes visiting 6 other places which finally leave you at the Dzongri trekking spot.

Here are few tips before you embark on your journey because monsoon could be quite tricky. 

1.Always carry a raincoat to protect yourself from the rain and from falling sick. 2.Use plastic bags or tiny raincoats for your backpacks to avoid getting your stuff all wet and irritating.

3.Carry spare socks, undergarments, warm clothes, and pick waterproof shoes/ slippers.

4.Make sure your tent is zipped up and waterproof at all times while camping. 5. Avoid trekking at the night and especially if you are alone.

6.Carry mosquito repellents and other antiseptic creams just in case.  And that’s it, enjoy your trek.


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